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Important Note

Hey Guys! - A couple notes for ALL league members...  


 - IF YOU DO NOT WRITE YOUR HIGH SCORES, ETC ON BOTH SHEETS THEY WILL NOT COUNT. So if you want your high score/out/180 counted it is YOUR responsibility to ensure it is recorded correctly on both sheets. You can also double check with your captains that this is being done. 


 - By signing your game sheets you are CONFIRMING that all information is correct - DO NOT sign your sheet at the beginning of the night. This is to be done at the very end with both team representatives present. I can not express this enough. You should be going over all high scores and making sure the game scores are correct. If you sign, you are not only confirming that the information is correct but that you agree with the score. There are too many sheets coming in signed with different information on the sheets. It is NOT my job or responsibility to chase people down to find out what the score really was. This also causes a delay in completing stats. So please!!! Do EVERYONE a favor and TRIPLE check the sheet BEFORE you sign it. 


 - ROOKIES - If you do not write the 'R' beside their name EVERY TIME (for ALL matches they are set to play) their stats may get missed and can result in losing the "Rookie of The Year".  These sheets are sometimes harder to read than my doctors notes. Please print CLEARLY so they can easily be identified. 



Lastly I want to thank those of you who send in your sheets EVERY week and show up to the meetings every month without fail to turn in your sheets and dues. I appreciate you more than you know. 


Stats to be sent at the end of each night to Miranda



NMDL Executive



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